Research Seminar: Towards Hetero-Optimism

This research project presents a six-episode podcast series exploring the cultural logic of Asa Seresin’s concept "heteropessimism". We are carefully and critically exploring how to build alternative visions for sexualities that do not reinscribe the hierarchical binary opposition of heterosexual versus LGBTQAI+. 

According to Seresin, the concept of heteropessimism names both a dominant cultural attitude and critical cul-de-sac. The podcast and associated writing will go beyond this impasse and develop new theorisations of heterosexualities for a more equitable future. The six episodes cover topic such as straight culture and the family, masculinity, the economy, desire and sex and future possibilities. 

Find out more about the project here


Towards Hetero-optimism. Jennifer Hamilton. Felicity Joseph. Matt Allen.

Updated:  5 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Freilich Project/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications