Freilich Project Research

Freilich Project Research
"Hate is a virus". Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash.
Seminar Series

The Freilich Project brings you some of the best research on bigotry and its causes, histories, and impacts. We support new research through a range of programs and activities, including grants to support Early Career Researchers.

This seminar series presents the research findings of some of the recipients of our ECR grants and explores some of the many ways of grappling with or understanding bigotry.


Does Intergroup Contact and Attitudes Change Across Time? Results of 14 Person-Centered Latent Trajectory Models

Recent high-quality investigations of intergroup contact have failed to detect a temporal and potentially causal association between intergroup contact and attitudes. In turn, scholars have attempted to reconcile why longitudinal effects rarely emerge despite the strong and well replicated cross-...

The involvement of Ezidi families in children’s “Family hour” program in rural Australia: Opportunities and challenges

Refugee children, similar to other children, are exposed to diverse ecological systems in which their families and communities play a significant role in shaping their learning experiences. Drawing from Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory (1979), the study explores the effectiveness of the “...

Pacific Mobilities and Mediterranean Diasporas on First Nations Lands: towards a transcultural history of Queensland’s sugar districts

Studies of migration from the Mediterranean region to Australia have often been framed within a national frame of analysis. That is, the story of Greek, Italian, Maltese, and Lebanese migrations to Australian shores have been considered as central to nation building narratives that centre migration...

Seminar: The Art of Justice in the Western Balkans

Iva Glisic examines contemporary political art that engages with the legacy of ethnonationalist violence in the Western Balkans. Specific focus is placed upon the ways in which war crimes committed along ethnic, national, and religious lines during the conflict that followed the dissolution of...

Freilich Project Research Showcase

We're extremely proud to support leading research into bigotry, its causes, impacts, and histories. Since COVID-19 interrupted some of our usual activities to promote this excellent work, this year we held a showcase of a selection of the best research we've supported since 2019. Fuller seminars...

Updated:  17 March 2023/Responsible Officer:  Freilich Project/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications