Launching 55 CANCRI E: We Bleed The Same Masterclass Showcase

Congratulations to the seven wonderful and talented ANU students who yesterday launched their artworks as part of the 55 CANCRI E We Bleed the Same Master Class Showcase.
Artists and activists Josephine Carter, Yalan Chen, Olivia Chollet, Shebani Jeyakumar, Sophia Konti, Effie Li and Chenfei Xiao launched their works last night alongside journalist and filmmaker Liz Deep-Jones, one of the creators of the We Bleed the Same exhibition. The event was also launched by Freilich Project Convenor Melissa Lovell and Dean of the College of Arts and Social Sciences Rae Frances.
These seven students attended an eight-week masterclass series led by Liz Deep-Jones and included support from the other creatives behind We Bleed the Same: international photographer Tim Bauer and designer Brenda Dwyer. In these eight short weeks, the students were introduced to the power of art as activism, and were provided an overview of how their works as individuals can have an immediate impact on those around them. They produced a stunning collection of works, including a collection of photographs, original fine art paintings, a short film and an AR experience.
55 CANRI E is on show on Level 2, RSSS Building, ANU campus until February. The We Bleed the Same exhibition is also on show until February 2023, in the RSSS foyer, ANU. We Bleed the Same is an exhibition showcasing the moving portraits of many Australians who have experienced bigotry based on their race. The exhibition includes photographs by international photographer Tim Bauer and a documentary by Liz Deep-Jones. 55 CANCRI E has now been integrated into the We Bleed the Same exhibition and will be included in the future of the exhibition. We hope to have more to say on this in 2023.
For more, read some of the artists' statements on our blog from Yalen Chen, Shebani Jeyakumar, Chenfei Xiao and Sophia Konti.
Congratulations once again to these talented young artists.