

Dr Herbert Freilich's reminiscences of bigotry

What's Catholic?

I went to Kindergarten at Scots College in Mansion Road, Bellevue Hill when I was not quite 5, about February 1930. Scots College was then...

Calling an ambulance in Capetown

I saw Doug Joseph in Edinburgh in 1952. He was one of a group of friends from Sydney University days. We had been in the same year at...

A train ride in Sydney

A few years ago I was on a train going from Como, a Sydney suburb, to the Town Hall. A young woman of Chinese origin was in the seat...

"You haven't lived with them"

I was in medical practice as a diagnostic radiologist in Wollongong, NSW for many years, from 1957 to 1972 as one of the early partners in...

"I thought all doctors could tell"

The first time I was given any understanding of homosexuality was on the ship going to England in 1952. In those days ships were crowded...

"He never told me he was black"

I heard a story on ABC radio some years ago. It went like this: A white farmer, his wife and infant daughter lived on a property in an...

The day I wish I had protested

From 1933, with the increasing Nazification of Germany, the Nuremberg racial laws of 1935 and particularly after the Anschluss with Austria...

Waiting for friends to come back

We met Rolf in Surinam, which used to be Dutch Guyana, and again in French Guyana and yet again in Manaus in 1977. He was from Holland,...

The interesting life of a Polish priest

I forget the details of this story but it received world headlines in 1952 and the documentation can presumably be looked up. It went like...

Memories of Poland in the War

A typical Jewish dish, usually served as an entree with red horseradish, is gefillte fish; literally "filled fish" but in my time it was...

Updated:  30 May 2018/Responsible Officer:  Freilich Project/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications