Visiting Fellowship

Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship Program
As part of 2024 Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship Program, the Freilich Project is offering a scholar the opportunity to combine research with the work of the Project and the nominated theme of the HRC, which for 2024 is "Time, Place, Everywhen".
All HRC Visiting Fellows are expected to participate in the programs of the Centre and the College, meet with other fellows, make a public presentation of their research in the weekly seminar program, and engage in other opportunities for scholarly exchange. The recipient of the Freilich Project Visiting Fellowship will also be responsible for delivering an annual Freilich Project Lecture on a topic to be negotiated.
The HRC-Freilich Project Visiting Fellowship grant covers accommodation for a period of 6–12 weeks, as well as travel for the Fellow up to a total cost of $3,000AUD. Accommodation provided is a one bedroom self-contained apartment on the university campus. (Financial assistance for travel and accommodation expenses is not a salary replacement. No stipend or living allowance is attached to this fellowship.)
For further information and submission queries, please click here.
Applications for the 2023 Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship close Friday 20 October.